Thursday 1 January 2009

"I'm the best there is at what I do. Thing is, what I do isn't very nice."

As the Zombie plague and the horde of zombified "supers" lay siege to castle Doomstadt, held up slightly by the Deadite army, Victor Von Doom offers to sacrifice himself to get Ash through the portal before he "turns" ( Doom was bitten). Ash visits a few universes, but none to his liking. He then arrives to a normal 21st century New York. Or so it seems. He turns the corner to see the Avengers in full Lycanthropy, cursing Doom for not sending him to a world filled with supermodels. The portal then precedes to close. As Giant-Man cries out "It's feeding time, boys!" Ashley Williams turns and runs.

I hope that was a good read for you all. If you didn't know that sums up the end to Ash's appearance in Marvel Zombies, where ironically, in trying to escape from the zombies, he ends up in a world of flesh eating werewolves. This is based off of the Wolverine of said universe.



I had the idea when I thought of the ONE other person with the same fashion sense as Wolf.

As for the scouter, I dunno. Maybe he stole it off Cyclops after he ATE HIS BRAAAAAAAINS!


  1. So that's Marvel Smashbros gone and finished for the time being. I will return to it later on, I'm not quite finished yet.

  2. awesome. was going to ask about the scouter. lol. interesting


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